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How does a kidney work?

  1. Gastroepato
  2. Nephrology
  3. How does a kidney work?
  4. The patient who does not urinate
  5. High azotemia
  6. Acute kidney failure

The kidney

The kidney is the organ that performs the function of maintaining the correct volume and composition values ​​of the plasma (homeostasis), and at the same time, of eliminating metabolites and exogenous substances, retaining the solutes necessary for the body.
These control functions are performed by regulating the elimination of water and solutes from the body through the urine. The fundamental mechanism is that of a two-stage filter, which allows the passage of water and solutes in the pre-urine through a little specific filtration of the plasma (only cells and macromolecules are retained) and the subsequent reabsorption and / or secretion, selective and controlled, of solutes, followed in a finely regulated way by water.

The kidney is made up of functional units called "nephrons", whose anatomical structure reflects this two-stage way of working:
a) each nephron is formed by a capillary ball (glomerulus), which operates the filtration,
b) from a tubule, along which the transport processes that allow the reabsorption or selective secretion of solutes take place.
The fundamental engine of all transport systems is the sodium-potassium pump of the tubule cells, which extrudes sodium ions (Na +) towards the interstitium

In summary, the kidney performs the following functions:

• Filter function
Elimination from the blood and excretion
with the urine of catabolites (urea, creatinine, uric acid, final products
degradation of hemoglobin, metabolites, hormones) and exogenous substances (drugs, food additives)

• Homeostatic function
Water balance regulation
Electrolyte balance regulation
Acid-base balance regulation
Blood pressure regulation

• Hormonal function
Production of hormones involved in:
Erythropoiesis (erythropoietin)
Ca2 + metabolism (1,25-dihydroxycholicalciferol, active form vitamin D)
Blood pressure and blood flow regulation (renin)

Morphofunctional organization

The kidney is a parenchymatous organ characterized by a rather complex anatomical structure that reflects a refined functional organization.
Basically, it consists of two distinct regions:
- a cortical region, in which the arterial blood forms small capillary balls (glomeruli), where the blood itself is filtered and the liquid obtained is collected in the Bowman's capsule which envelops them and initiates the tubules; convolutions of the tubules themselves are observed between the glomeruli, before they continue into the medulla (proximal convoluted tubule) and return from the medulla (distal convoluted tubule);
- a medullary region, made up of lobes (pyramids) in which run parallel: the tubules, which descend to variable depth, form a loop (loop of Henle) and go up to the cortex; the tubules and the collecting ducts, which collect the contents of the distal contorted tubules and, crossing the medulla, convey it into the calyxes of the renal pelvis; the vessels that sink parallel to the tubules in the medulla and rise again (vasa recto).

The nephrons are divided into:
• Cortical nephrons: represent 85% of all nephrons. They are characterized by a smaller renal corpuscle - located in the peripheral part of the cortex - and a shorter tubule.
• Juxtamedullary nephrons (= close to the medulla): they are provided with a more voluminous renal corpuscle located near the medulla and a much longer tubule. Compared to the previous ones, they have an efferent arteriole that forms not only a capillary network around the tubules, but also a series of vascular loops (vasa recta) that descend into the medulla, surround the collecting ducts and the ascending tracts of the loop of Henle.
These vessels are very important because, in addition to allowing the blood to return to the cortex, they supply oxygen and nutrients to the tubular segments, transport the substances that must be secreted to the tubules, and bring back into the general circulation the water and solutes that must be reabsorbed and participate in the mechanism of urine concentration / dilution.


The vascularization of the kidney has some particularly relevant characteristics. Arterial blood enters through the interlobar arteries and is distributed through the arcuate arteries that run between the cortex and medulla.
The spraying of the two portions, cortical and medullary, is anatomically and functionally very different. Towards the cortex, arteries branch off from the arcuate arteries - radial cortical or lobular arteries that give rise to an arteriole for each glomerulus.
An afferent arteriole reaches the glomerulus, exits as an efferent arteriole and forms a peritubular capillary network from which the blood flows into lobular veins, which return to the arcuate veins. Towards the medulla, the vascular system is much simpler, consisting of vessels that descend radially along the pyramids and rise (vasa recta). It is important to note that efferent arterioles have different characteristics than normal arterioles.
In fact, leaving the glomerular filtration process, they have a reduced hydrostatic pressure and, having lost water and solutes, an increased concentration of proteins (high oncotic pressure): both of these factors tend to favor the massive reabsorption of water and solutes. . Since the efferent arterioles of the juxtamedullary glomeruli, instead of giving rise to the rich peritubular network, deepen into the medulla like the vasa recta, it should be borne in mind that these spurious vasa recta will have different exchange characteristics compared to the true vasa recta, which are generated directly from arcuate arteries without having passed through glomeruli (and therefore have higher hydrostatic pressure and the same oncotic pressure as plasma).


Each glomerulus, with its own tubule, constitutes a relatively independent functional unit, which is called the nephron. Blood arrives at the nephron through the afferent arteriole and leaves the glomerulus through an efferent arteriole.
The liquid filtered by the glomerulus passes through the proximal convoluted tubule, along the loop of Henle
- that for the more superficial (cortical) nephrons it does not significantly enter the medullary region, while for the deeper ones (iuxtamidollari) it almost reaches the apex of the renal pyramid (papilla) and therefore the distal convolutions of the tubule, before being collected in the collector tubule which introduces it into the collector ducts to bring it to the papillary outlet.
The peritubular capillary network irrigates the parenchyma of the cortical, wrapping the whole loop of the cortical nephrons; for the juxtamedullary nephrons, on the other hand, both the tubular loop and the vessels run straight and parallel in a radial direction along the axis of the medullary pyramids: this is essential to favor the maintenance of an osmotic gradient in the interstitium, through the exchange mechanism counter-current.
The kidney functions as a two-stage filter:
- a molecular filter completely retains blood cells and macromolecules (proteins weighing more than 70 kDa) and slows the passage of molecules weighing between 10 and 70 kDa;
- ion translocation and cotransport or antiport systems allow the reabsorption of about 97% of the filtered solutes. These transports are actively regulated and this constitutes the main modality of regulation of renal function.
The water follows passively, but in its turn regulated, so that the osmolality of the urine can vary from a value below 100 to a value above 1,500 mOsm / l, for a normal value of about 1,000 mOsm / l ( versus about 300 mOsm / l for plasma).
The efficiency of such an organization is evident, with respect to a selective elimination of all unwanted substances from the plasma, which would require an enormous number of specific transport mechanisms and would make it impossible to eliminate unexpected exogenous substances.
Conversely, non-selective filtration, followed by reabsorption of electrolytes and water, leaves all the hydrophilic solutes not actively reabsorbed in the tubule (the lipolyl solutes freely cross the membranes and passively follow the reabsorption of water).
It will therefore be sufficient to make the metabolites and exogenous substances hydrophilic, so that they remain trapped in the tubule, which must be eliminated (note that liver metabolism generally proceeds in this direction), and to possess adequate transport systems to reabsorb the hydrophilic substances that they must not be lost.

Adjustments made by the kidney

The functioning mechanisms of the kidney allow to regulate:
- the volume of body fluids; since water passively follows, the amount of solutes (and in particular sodium - Na + -, the most abundant species eliminated by the kidney determines the amount of fluid eliminated; diuretics interfere with one or the other of the reabsorption mechanisms of Na + and are used to eliminate liquids, reduce blood pressure or reduce the load on the heart.

The renal glomerulus is the specialized structure for plasma filtration: it consists of an arterial capillary ball wrapped in a capsule (Bowman's capsule) from which the tubule begins. The renal cortex contains approximately one million glomeruli.
The glomerular filter allows the passage of solutes only and a partial diffusion of macromolecules (reduced if negatively charged) and of small: cine, while it prevents the filtration of proteins larger than albumin and blood cells. The glomerular filtration rate VFG, approximately 125 ml / min) depends on the capillary pressure in the glomerulus and on the size of the interstices between the pedicels of the mesangial cells that line the glomerular capillary. However, it is also influenced by glomerular blood flow: if this is slowed down, filtration produces a significant concentration of proteins, which opposes further filtration by oncotic pressure.
The tone of the glomerular arterioles (afferent and efferent) is finely self-regulated by internal reflexes in the kidney, with the result that the perfusion pressure and the VFG remain virtually constant over a wide range of blood pressure values ​​(80-180 mmHg); nevertheless, the urinary volume changes greatly in response to pressure variations, thanks to marked alterations in the tubular reabsorption processes.

Renal excretion of substances is operationally expressed in terms of clearance. A substance filtered in the glomerulus and not reabsorbed or excreted in the tubule is eliminated with the speed with which it is filtered: this corresponds to cleaning up a corresponding amount of plasma (clearance = 125 ml min). Reabsorbed substances have lower clearance (up to zero, if completely reabsorbed), while actively secreted substances can have much higher clearances (up to a value corresponding to renal plasma flow, if completely secreted). The measurement of the clearance of substances known to be renal behavior (e.g., inu-line, filtered only; PAI, filtered and actively secreted) provides an estimate of important renal parameters (filtration rate, renal plasma flow useful in clinical evaluation renal function.


Blood filtration in the kidney takes place in corpuscles (Malpighi's), located in the renal cortex, which consist of a capillary ball (arterial glomerulus) which invaginates in Bowman's capsule generating, between the parietal and visceral epithelial sheet of the capsule, a space (capsular chamber) that collects the filtrate. The visceral leaflet of the capsular epithelium is formed by podocytes that interdigitate their pedicels, creating a porous membrane whose pores have a diameter of about 5 nm. Between the podocytes and the capillary endothelium, thin and broadly fenestrated (pores of 50-100 nm), there is a basement membrane which helps to define the properties of the glomerular filter. Ultrafiltration barrier (blood / urine barrier). It consists of the fenestrated endothelium of the glomerular capillaries, the basement membrane and the interdigitations of the podocytes that form the visceral sheet of the glomerular capsule.
Podocytes appear as star-like elements, with numerous extensions (primary processes) that embrace the glomerular capillaries. The primary processes branch giving rise to secondary processes (pedicels or terminal feet) which adhere to the outer surface of the basement membrane of the glomerular capillaries. Filtration holes or slits are established between the contiguous pedicels, closed by diaphragms (diaphragms of the filtration holes or membranes of the slits). The ultrafiltration barrier of which the basement membrane is the thickest and most discontinuous layer, allows the passage of water, ions and crystalloids.

Filter selectivity

Functions and constitution of the glomerulus filtration membrane

Allows passage of H2O + low molecular weight solutes (65000, <69 kDa);
It exerts a selective action as a function of the size and electric charge of the molecules. Filtration:
• free molecules radius <20Å (-5 KDa) • variable molecules radius 20-42Å • absent molecules radius> 42Å (-70 KDa).
Formed by:
• Fenestrated capillary endothelium (pores 50-100 nm) covered with fixed negative charges, which hinder the passage of plasma proteins (negative charge).
• Basal membrane formed by collagen and proteoglycans (negatively charged) is an effective barrier to the passage of plasma proteins.
• Visceral layer of Bowman's capsule (podocytes, with terminal processes, pedicels, which form slit pores (4-14 nm, closed by protein structure, filtration diaphragm, adjustable). Negatively charged glycoproteins are present.


As it passes through the glomerulus, approximately one fifth of the plasma is filtered into the capsule. By the anatomical features of the glomerular filter, all dissolved substances in plasma with a molecular mass of less than 5 kDa (the mass of a small protein of about 50 amino acids) pass.
Between 5 and 70 kDa (molecular radius between 1 and 4 nm) the filtration is partial, while above 70 kDa the filtration becomes null (molecular filter). To quantify this behavior, a glomerular filtration coefficient (SG) is defined which represents the concentration ratio between filtrate and plasma, between 0 and 1, which depends not only on the size, but also to a good extent, for molecules with size similar to the diameter of the pore, from the characteristics of the basement membrane; this, in fact, is rich in fixed negative charges (proteoglycans and acid mucopolysaccharides), and tends to reject the negatively charged molecules, thus hindering the passage of the electrical filter anions).
The relationship between molecular size, charge and SG was studied using dextran polymers, demonstrating that the filtration of macromolecules with a radius between 18 and 36 A depends on their charge. If albumin, the smallest plasma protein (radius = 35 A), were neutral, it would filter significantly at the glomerular level resulting in severe hypoalbuminemia. However, the plasma proteins, at physiological pH, are deprotonated and therefore behave like polyanionic dextrans, making the filtration of albumin and, even more so, of the other plasma proteins of higher dimensions practically nil. If, however, due to pathological processes, the basement membrane loses its negative charges, the selectivity based on the charge is lost with consequent filtration of plasma albumin and albuminuria.
It should also be borne in mind that the failure of proteins such as albumin and globulins to pass through the glomerular filter means that all molecules, even small ones, which are bound to plasma proteins, pass only in relation to the free share, i.e. the filtrate will contain them in concentration at most equal not to the plasma concentration, but to that of the non-protein bound fraction (when SG is equal to 1).

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