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Acute respiratory distress syndrome

  1. Gastroepato
  2. Pneumology
  3. Acute respiratory distress syndrome
  4. Respiratory patient
  5. Long term oxygen therapy
  6. Respiration and respiratory failure
  7. Cyanosis
  8. Oxygen therapy
  9. Dyspnea, hunger for air
  10. Haemoptysis
  11. The dyspnoic patient


It'a a clinical non cardiogenic syndrome characterized by severe rapid-onset dyspnoea, hypoxaemia and widespread pulmonary infiltrates and pulmonary edema that induce respiratory failure, . Acute lung injury (ALI) is a less severe condition but with the risk of evolving to acute respiratory distress syndrome (acute respiratory distress syndrome, ARDS)


• ARDS: estimated at 60 out of 100,000 people annually
• ALI: estimated at 80 out of 100,000 people annually J Prevalence
• Orca 10% of patients admitted to intensive care units have acute respiratory failure
• 20% of these patients have the criteria of ALI or ARDS

Risk factors

- Old age
- Chronic alcohol abuse
- Metabolic acidosis
- Critical illness
- Patients with trauma
- A score of the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE)> 16 carries an increased risk of ARDS of 2.5 times
- An APACHE II score> 20 carries an increased risk of ARDS> 3 times compared to a score <9

The T-1001G allelic variant of the pre-B cellular colonizing factor (pre-B-cell colony-enhancing factor, PBEF) and related haplotypes are associated with an increased likelihood of developing ARDS among high-risk patients.
The allergy variant PBEF C-1543T and related haplotypes are associated with an increased likelihood of ARDS among patients with septic shock


Caused by alteration of the pulmonary microcirculation with lung damage widespread by several underlying medical causes and surgical complications

The activation of the inflammatory cascade is determined by neutrophil sequestration, degranulation of the neutrophils themselves and release of toxic substances for the alveolus-capillary endotheles. Cytokines take part and complement is activated with formation of fibrin microtrombi and endothelial lesions, with diffuse alveolar damage.
• > 80 % of cases is caused by:
• Sepsi
• Bacterial pneumonia
• Trauma
• Multiple transfusions
• Gastric acid material  aspiration of
• Drug abuse

Action mechanism

• Direct pulmonary damage: Pneumonia, Aspiration.-gastric contents, Pulmonary contusion, Drowning, Inhalation of toxic gases
• Indirect Pulmonary Damage: Sepsis, Severe Trauma, Multiple Transfusions, Drug Abuse, Multiple Bone Fractures, Thoracic Trauma, Head Trauma, Burns, Pancreatitis, Period Following Cardiopulmonary Bypass

Symptoms and signs

Although they usually present within 12-36 hours of the initial insult, symptoms may occur after 5-7 days
• Dyspnea
• Tachypnea
• Respiratory failure
• The additional symptoms and signs are related to the underlying etiologic disease

Chest X-ray: ARDS, interstitial infiltrates

Differential diagnosis

Most common signs
• Cardiogenic pulmonary edema
• Diffuse pneumonia
• Alveolar hemorrhage

Less frequent signs
• Acute interstitial lung disease (eg, acute interstitial pneumonia)
• Acute immunological damage (eg, hypersensitivity pneumonitis)
• Toxin damage (eg, radiation pneumonia)
• Neurogenic pulmonary edema

Diagnostic criteria

ARDS: Oxygenation: relationship between the arterial partial pressure of oxygen (Pa02) and the inspiratory fraction of oxygen (FI02) <200 mmHg; beginning: acute; Chest X-ray: bilateral alveolar or interstitial infiltrates; Left atrial hypertension: pulmonary capillary wedge pressure <18 mmHg or no clinical evidence of increased left atrial pressure

ALI is a similar syndrome, with a ratio of Pa0 / FI02 <200-300 mmHg; The early characteristics are not specific, so that alternative diagnoses should be considered
Laboratory exams
Arterial blood gas analysis
• Initially shows hypoxemia
• Brain natriuretic factor (BNP): in patients with hypoxic respiratory failure, very low BNP levels suggest a diagnosis of ARDS / ALI; conversely, very high BNP levels suggest cardiogenic pulmonary edema. The BNP seems useful for:
a) Exclude cardiogenic pulmonary edema
b) Identify patients with high probability of ARDS
• Larger studies are needed to validate these observations. Additional examinations are decided based on clinical presentation

Diagnostic imaging

• Chest radiography: in the exudative phase it shows interstitial infiltrates and diffuse alveolar membranes; it can be difficult to distinguish from left ventricular failure
• CT of the thorax: in the exudative phase, the dependent alveolar edema and atelectasis predominate

Diagnostic procedures

Capillary pulmonary wedge pressure <18 mmHg if Swan-Ganz catheter is used
General lines of management
General principles (see Figure)
General treatment of intensive care
New ventilation strategies to decrease the current volume (Vt) maintaining adequate oxygenation. General treatment requires: Therapy of the underlying cause of lung injury; Reduce the procedures and their complications; Avoid preventable complications, such as venous thromboembolism and hemorrhage of the Gl segment, with appropriate prophylactic regimens; Recognize and treat nosocomial infections; Proper nutritional support

Initial treatment

• Initiate limited volume / pressure ventilation, oxygenate, reduce acidosis and maintain diuresis.
• Monitoring of the patient

Monitor patient oxygenation, water balance and acid-base status


Emphysema alterations with large bubbles; progressive vascular occlusion and pulmonary hypertension; pneumothorax; pulmonary fibrosis; depression and post-traumatic stress disorder; complications of long-term intensive care; renal failure, especially in patients with sepsis; Nosocomial infections


Natural history
• Exudative phase: typically duration of ~ 7 days; characterized by dyspnoea, tachypnea and severe hypoxia
• Proliferative phase: duration 7-21 days; most patients recover quickly and are weaned from mechanical ventilation during this phase
• Fibrotic phase: starting from day 21; although the majority of patients recover within 3-4 weeks of the initial insult, some show progressive fibrosis with the need for prolonged ventilatory support predisposing to long-term intensive care complications. This phase may be a reaction to today's abandoned ventilatone strategies that employed wide Vt and high pulmonary distension pressures


• Mortality estimates: 40-65%: most deaths are due to non-pulmonary causes: sepsis and non-pulmonary organ failure account for 80% of deaths
• Mortality decreased with the improvement of general care and the use of low Vt ventilation
• Patients> 75 years have a significant increase in mortality (-60%) compared to those <45 years (-20%)
• Patients> 60 years with ARDS and sepsis have a mortality rate three times greater than those <60 years
• Pre-existing organ dysfunction from chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, chronic alcohol abuse, chronic immunosuppression, sepsis, chronic kidney disease, any non-pulmonary organ failure and increased APACHE II scores have also been associated with increased mortality from ARDS
• Patients with ARDS from direct lung injury (including pneumonia, pulmonary contusion and aspiration) have almost doubled mortality rates compared to those with indirect causes of lung injury
* Surgical and traumatic patients with ARDS, especially those without direct lung injury, have a better survival rate than other patients with ARDS
• Mortality can not be predicted by: Severity of hypoxemia; PEEP levels used in mechanical ventilation; respiratory compliance; the extension of alveolar infiltrates to chest radiographs; pulmonary damage score; the early (within 24 hours of presentation) increased dead space can predict increased mortality from ARDS


The majority of patients who survive restores an almost normal respiratory function despite prolonged respiratory failure and dependence on mechanical ventilation for survival. Maximum respiratory function is generally achieved within 6 months. One year after endotracheal extubation, more than a third of survivors have normal spirometry and diffusion values; most of the remaining patients have only modest changes in respiratory function. Respiratory function restoration is inversely correlated with the extent of pol¬monary damage in early ARDS.

Factors associated with lower recovery of lung function
• Low static respiratory compliance
• High levels of PEEP required
• Increased duration of mechanical ventilation
• High lung damage scores

index pneumology