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Injuries of the nerves in the hands

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  3. Injuries of the nerves in the hands

Update for the practical doctor

Notes by dr Claudio Italiano

cfr diagnosi delle lesioni della mano
The wounds or the contusions of the three nerves that innervate the hand are located more frequently at the forearm or wrist, sometimes the arm. These traumas can also be treated by surgery:

- operative isolation of the radial nerve which causes transitory paresis (incomplete paralysis);
- arm compression poorly arranged during an operation

Paralysis of the radial nerve

-The falling hand is the obvious sign. The patient with radial nerve injury presents the impossibility of straightening the hand or extending the fingers. This is due to the fact that the posterior branch of the radial nerve innervates the extensors of the hand and fingers, which are the muscles that determine the extension of the hand and fingers. If there is an injury, there is no function.

Paralysis of the ulnar nerve

-The last two fingers of the hand remain slightly bent, so they are bent like a kind of claw; the flexion can be reduced. At an extreme stage the hand takes on the appearance of the Gothic "blessing Christ", for which this condition is referred to as the "blessing hand".

This characteristic deformation indicates the paralysis of the small intrinsic muscles of the hand; the lesion hinders the grip. The patient is unable to open and to bring his fingers closer together. This is more evident in correspondence with the III interdigital space since the extensors of the II and V are capable of impressing small lateral movements on the corresponding fingers. So only if you ask the patient to tighten or leave a sheet of paper between the third and fourth fingers, he does not have the strength to do so. This is the sign of the sheet of paper. Trophic disorders are not very evident, despite the hypomyotropy of interosseous spaces.
Finally there is the superficial anesthesia of the inner half of the hand

Paralysis of the median nerve

- In this case the hand has no characteristic attitude; however, some signs indicate nerve involvement.
Insensitivity affects the outer part of the palm and the front face of the first three fingers, together with the middle

The impossibility of flexing the thumb and the last two phalanges of the index and of the middle indicates the paralysis of the flexors; that of the muscles of the tenar eminence causes the loss of the opposition of the thumb so that the grip is abolished.

The atrophic hand (Aran-Duchenne)

It is due to nerve involvement of central and medullary origin; it is found in many affections. The characteristic aspect to remember is the "monkey hand", which dominates the atrophy of the two eminences tenar and ipotenar. A condition of this type was present in the past in patients suffering from flaccid polio outcomes
