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Lymphocyte series

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  3. Hematopoiesis
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  9. Hematopoiesis

Notes by doctor. Claudio Italiano

Lymphocytes represent a heterogeneous population of leukocyte elements distributed in various areas of the body. In the classical sense, they are made up of small elements with poor cytoplasm, with a pienotic chromatin nucleus; however, the term "lymphocytic cells" tends to refer to the entire complex of elements that involves traditional lymphocytes (small, medium and large), lymphoblasts and plasma cells as forms of activation of a definite category of the same elements. Most peripheral blood lymphocytes are small 7-8 microns in diameter (small lymphocytes), while a minor portion (10%) is 9-15 micron (medium to large lymphocyte). The small lymphocytes appear to consist of a nucleus with condensed, roundish or just indented cloned matrix, devoid of visible nucleoli, occupying the whole cell except for a small strip of moderately basophilic cytoplasm; this in the panoptic colors, is devoid of structures or presents rare azure-like granulations. Under the electron microscope the small lymphocytes have a nucleus with chromatin in clusters, with a small nucleol frequently surrounded by plates of heterochromatin, and surrounded by a lamella of ergastoplasma delimiting a perinuclear space. In the cytoplasm, ergastoplasmatic lamellae are observed, with few ribosomes. The body of Golgi is poorly developed and the lysosomes are few in number. For a long time the small lymphocyte was considered a terminal element no longer capable of mitotic divisions, destined as such to exhaust its functions; however, recent data from pathophysiology have shown the possibility that lymphocytes are part of a complex system that has progenitors in the bone marrow and whose evo phases, involve a series of transformations according to appropriate stimuli and the microenvironment of development. After antigenic stimulation the lymphocyte is transformed into large elements (immunoblasts) that reach 20-30 microns in diameter and possess strongly basophilic cytoplasm, sometimes vacuolated. The large and rounded nucleus has reticular chromatin and clearly visible nucleoli. The transition to the plasma cell stage coincides with the formation of oval shaped elements with a diameter of 12-20 microns along the major axis. The nucleus is located in an eccentric position, with compact simulated clods of chromatin, to lay the back of a turtle. The cytoplasm is particularly basophilic, with a clear centrosome in a paranuclear position. Under physiological conditions, lymphocytes appear to be a homogeneous cell population. In fact, from the functional point of view, the lymphocytes T, B lymphocytes and lymphocytes of the "third subpopulation" (killer lymphocytes and natural killer) are so named in so far as they are certainly not functionally traceable neither to T lymphocytes nor to B. In truth, natural killer lymphocytes have a peculiar morphology with respect to the T and B elements, as they have larger dimensions and more abundant cytoplasm, rich in blue-white granulations. Within the T lymphocytes there are at least two morphologically indistinguishable subpopulations: T helper lymphocytes (cooperators) and suppressor-cytotoxic T lymphocytes (suppressors). T helper lymphocyte, already identified in the mid-seventies due to the presence of a membrane receptor for the Fc portion of the IgM immunoglobulin (from which the T name derives) or for the absence of the TH2 antigen, specific to class T suppressor (and identified by the Reinherz heteroanthedral obtained from rabbit); is now identified for the positivity to the CD4 monoclonal antibody.
The T suppressor-cytotoxic lymphocyte, identified in the 1970s by the presence of the Fc portion of the IgG immunoglobulin (hence the name Ty) and the expression of the TH2 membrane antigen, is modernized by a peculiar antigenic kit: positivity to monoclonal antibodies of differentiation class 8 (CD8), as well as to those characteristic of all mature T lymphocyte elements (CD3, CD2, CD5, CD7).
It performs an inhibitory action against the cellular immune response B, and is able to perform cytotoxic activity against different cellular classes or microbial substances. The natural killer lymphocytes (NK), morphologically, are distinguishable from the other lymphocyte subclasses for their larger cell size (12-17 microns in diameter), for the incised nucleus, the wide cytoplasmic rhyme, and the presence of azurophile granules (from which derives the Anglo-Saxon denomination "large granular lymphocytes"). They are so named for their ability to act in the absence of previous sensitization and represent a frontline defensive barrier against infectious and neoplastic aggressions. They have a direct and spontaneous cytotoxic function, and they seem to play an important role in the rejection of heterologous bone marrow transplants, in the GVH reaction (graft versus host disease) and in the regulation of the bone marrow and thymol maturative maturation process through a direct cytolytic or inhibitory action on the elements stem. They are capable of producing lymphocytes such as interferons, substances with marked antiviral and tumoricidal activity, and interleukins. Cytotoxic lymphocytes (killer, K) have a cytotoxic antibody-dependent cellular activity (ADCC) as they exert their immune function only on cells coated with IgG antibody molecules, to which they are bound by a specific receptor for the IgG Fc fragment themselves. The consequence of this link is the lysis of the cell (hence the name killer).

Lymphocyte B

 B lymphocytes are characterized by the presence in the membrane of different differentiation antigens. In particular, the mature element, available in the peripheral blood, has the following markers: receptors for immunoglobulins which are constantly present on the cell surface; ability to form EA rosettes (due to the presence of the Fc fragment of the IgG) and EAC (correlated to the presence of the specific receptor for the fraction 3 of the complement: C3); expression of class II antigens of the MHC; positivity to monoclonal antibodies of differentiation class 19-20-21-22-23-24; specific of B lymphocytes and areattivi in ​​relation to the T elements.


In the adult organism, the lymphocytes are produced and undergo a first stage of maturation in the bone marrow. During embryonic life, however, other organs perform this function: the yolk sac in the first 3 months of gestation and then the liver and spleen. The differentiation stages that distinguish the maturation of T and B lymphocytes are, however, totally diversified and a substantial contribution to their definition is derived from the application of cytofluorimetric and immunoenzymatic techniques in association with the use of monoclonal antibodies directed against differentiation leukocyte antigens ( "cluster of designation" -CD). These structures (normally glycoproteins expressed on the cytoplasmic membrane, or more rarely in the cytoplasmic and / or nucleus compartment) are specific for the lymphocyte class (T or B) or for one or more maturation phases of the T or B lymphocytes. underlined the fact that many monoclonal antibodies that up until a few years ago were considered specific for some blood cytotypes, actually present a pattern of complex reactivity, also reacting with subclasses of other cell classes.
Both B and T lymphocytes derive from a common stem cell located in the medullary hemopoietic tissue; the successive stages of maturation take place in the bone marrow (medullary phase of T and B lymphocyte maturation), then at thymic level for T lymphocytes and again medullary for B lymphocytes. The final stages of maturation are performed in the peripheral lymphoid organs (lymph nodes, spleen, lymphatic system of the digestive tract) but in anatomically different regions for the two lymphocytic classes T and B.

- B lymphopoiesis. The maturation of B lymphocytes takes place in two successive stages: the first, of central or medullary differentiation, called "independent antigen", and the second, of secondary or peripheral differentiation, called "dependent antigen". This second stage of maturation takes place in the peripheral lymphoid organs (spleen, lymph nodes, lymphatic tissue of the digestive system: tonsils, Peyer's plaques, appendix, or of the respiratory and genitourinary systems).
a) Independent antigen maturation. B lymphocytes derive from a common totipotent stem progenitor cell located in the bone marrow capable of originating elements belonging to all the blood cell lines. From this element derives a second stem cell commissioned in the lymphoid direction able to probably originate both T-cell and B-lymphocyte-oriented cells. The subsequent maturation stage involves a stem cell already oriented in the B-lymphocytic direction. Numerous phenotypic and genotypic markers mark this primitive maturation phase. We refer above all to the configuration of the immunoglobulin genes that specifically rearrange in lymphocyte-oriented lymphocytes, in contrast to other hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic cells (including T cells) whose immunoglobulin genes remain in a "germline" configuration during 'whole differentiation process. From the morphological point of view, these cells have a blastic appearance and are characterized by the presence of some markers such as the TdT (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase) enzyme, a DNA polymerase located at the nuclear level, which can be identified by immunological techniques ( through the use of monoclonal antibodies) that biochemical. These elements defined as "pro-B" also express CD19, CD72, class II antigens of the major histocompatibility system (HLA-DR), while they do not exhibit immunoglobulins neither on the surface nor in cytoplasm. In this maturation phase the lymphocytes also express a constant positivity for the CD34 antigen, a transmembrane protein expressed in all the stem progenitor cells of the hemolymphopoietic system.

The next phase of maturation (called "common B") is characterized by the presence of the CD10 antigen (also known as CALLA antigen, as expressed in almost all acute lymphoblastic leukemia -LAL- of the child and in 50% of the LAL 'adult). Other identifiable molecules in this maturation phase are CD19, CD72, CD34, TdT, HLA-DR, and CD22 only at the cytoplasmic level (cCD22). The next stage of maturation (called pre-B) is marked by the appearance of intracytoplasmic M chains (clg), but not by the complete immunoglobulin chain. The reactivity towards the CD10 antigen and the TdT is clearly decreased or sometimes totally absent. CD19, CD24, HLA-DR, CD72, CD24, CD20 and cytoplasmic CD22 are positive.
The next phase realizes the formation of the so-called "immature" or "virgin" lymphocyte, so called because it is still tolerant towards antigenic stimuli. This element can be found either in the bone marrow or in the peripheral blood or in the peripheral lymphoid tissues, and is characterized by the presence of a complete immunoglobulin chain of the IgM type on the cell surface. The virgin B lymphocyte can express both the light chain kappa and lambda: in the ontogenesis of the B lymphocyte the synthesis of k chains precedes that of the labda chains. Positive for the antigens CD19, CD20, CD21 (receptor for EBV virus), membrane CD22, CD24, CD72. Absent CD10 (CALLA), TdT and CD34.
b) Dependent antigen maturation. This development phase of the B lymphocyte takes place in the peripheral lymphoid organs which are reached by the medullary lymphocytes through the blood circulation after a phase of transition from the haematopoietic tissue to the medullary vascular system. The successive stages of maturation vary according to the antigenic stimulus that has evoked differentiation. The final stages of transformation culminate, however, in all cases in the production of B lymphocytes highly specialized in the immune response such as plasma cells and memory B lymphocytes. The first event that occurs following antigenic stimulation is represented by the production of IgD immunoglobulins, which are assembled on the plasma membrane of the B lymphocyte. B IgD + lymphocytes generally coexpress, at least in a first phase, also the IgM and represent an essential stage in the B lymphocyte development (called "intermediate lymphocyte"), as they make the lymphocyte no more tolerant towards antigenic stimuli. Then the other types of heavy chains (IgG and IgA) ("mature B lymphocyte" phase) appear, which in a first phase can be coexpressed on the cell surface together with the IgM and IgD chains, and then lost in a subsequent phase of maturation. However, there are mature B lymphocyte subclasses that maintain the IgM and IgD heavy chains together with IgG or IgA for long periods. Characteristic of mature B lymphocytes is to present the phenomenon of "capping" or to group the SIGs at a pole of the cell; this phenomenon can easily be detected under a fluorescence microscope following application of anti-Ig antisera.
The ontogenesis of the B lymphocyte ends with the immunoblastic transformation, characterized by the expression of high-density SIg, CD10 and CD25 (receptor for interleukin 2), a step that is a prelude to the formation of the mature plasma cell, which is characterized by the presence of significant amounts of immunoglobulins within the cytoplasm (clg). The plasma cells are also positive for CD38, CD78, HLA-DR, while they lack the typical antigens expressed by mature and immature B lymphocytes. Some mature B lymphocytes, following antigenic activation, assume the characteristics of "memory B lymphocyte", so called because it remains in a state of quiescence waiting to be reactivated following the arrival of a new antigenic stimulus.

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T lymphopoiesis

The maturation of T lymphocytes takes place in three successive phases, each of which is carried out in separate anatomical regions. The first stage of maturation takes place in the bone marrow, an organ that provides throughout the entire life span with a continuous supply of stem cells able to mature in the T direction. The second phase is performed in the thymus, an organ that undergoes an involution during the adulthood, which through the synthesis of specific hormones creates an ideal micro-environmental situation for the maturation of T cells. The T lymphocytes, in the third phase, migrate finally in the peripheral lymphatic organs where they reach full maturation.
The immuno-phenotypic and bio-molecular characterization of T lymphocytes has made a substantial contribution in defining this composite and heterogeneous cell class. Recall that in the '70s, ie before the advent of the monoclonal antibody era, only two markers identified the T lymphocyte class: the ability to form rosettes with ram's blood cells (rosettes AND the reactivity towards the polyclonal antiserum HUTLA ( "human T lymphocyte antigen").
Medullary phase. It has already been recalled that from the pool of pluripotent stem cells first develop progenitor cells with a dual evolution in the T and B direction and, therefore, stem cells oriented in T direction. The first cellular element identifiable as belonging to the T lymphocyte series (pro- T) is characterized by the presence of the TdT enzyme, and the expression of molecules such as HLA-DR, CD34 and sometimes CD38, CD7 and cCD3 (CE: cytoplasmic). However, none of these molecules is specific for T lymphocytes (with the exception of cCD3). For this reason the recognition of T lymphocytes must be based on bio-molecular techniques aimed at the study of genes that supervise the synthesis of the "T cell receptor" ("T-cell receptor" or TcR), specific structure of the T lymphocyte belonging to to the immunoglobulin superfamily Currently monoclonal antibodies with reactivity for the TcR alpha / beta dimer are available with a good specificity. In addition, reagents capable of recognizing the cytoplasmic beta-beta, the gamma or delta chain, or gamma / delta dimer are commercially available.

Timothy phase. The T-oriented medullary lymphocytes migrate in the thymus, colonizing in the first moment only the subcapsular areas. This phase, called "pretimocyte", or "pre-T" or "immature thymocyte" or "large subcapsular thymic blast", is characterized by the expression of the CD7 antigen, glycoprotein of 40 KD molecular weight expressed on all lymphocytes thymomas, CD2 (receptor for sheep erythrocytes responsible for the formation of rosettes E), CD38, TdT, and cCD3. The pre-thymocytes represent 3-5% of thymocytes, and are also characterized by the lack of in vitro reactivity against mitogenic substances (phytohaemagglutinin-PHA, concanavalin A (Con-A) characteristically active with mature T lymphocytes. positivity for the CD2 antigen, these lymphocytes are not yet able to form rosettes E. This seems to be due to the fact that the CD2 antigen, in this maturation phase, is still functionally inactive and is an independent antigen development phase that It is characterized by high proliferative activity.In a subsequent phase (cortical thymocyte or common thymocyte) subcapsular thymocytes migrate in the cortical region where they acquire positivity for the CDl, which is expressed only in this differentiation phase.The cortical thymocytes also express the CD7 , CD38, CD2, CD5 (molecule expressed also in mature T lymphocytes, and in a subpopulation of B lymphocytes) and coexpress in the same cellulose a CD4 and CD8, which allow the recognition of the two main mature T lymphocyte subpopulations ("T helper" and "T suppressor", respectively). About 70-80% of the global thymic population is composed of common thymocytes, most of which (about 90%) precociously go to death in the context of the thymus and without ever achieving a complete phase of maturation thanks to the regulated apoptosis mechanism from the Bcl2 protein.

Peripheral maturation phase with description of the main T lymphocyte subclasses
In this phase T-cell lymphocytes acquire, both from a functional and phenotypic point of view, the characteristics typical of the circulating mature T lymphocyte, from which however they depart for some characteristics reduced mitogenic response to PHA and Con-A). The "mature thymocyte", also known as medullary thymocyte ", can express either a CD4 + phenotype (typical of the" T-helper-inducer "lymphocyte subpopulation) or CD8 +.These elements are also characterized by the positivity for the surface CD3 antigen. , structure associated to the "T-cell receptor", which mediates the transduction of different biochemical signals inside the cell.That is the CD3 molecule part of the TCR, its recognition in mature lymphocytes plays an essential and often irreplaceable diagnostic role. Cytoplasmic CD3 antigen, unlike the surface antigen, is expressed, however, also in cortical and sometimes subcapsular thymocytes.The thymus plays a key role in the development of T lymphocytes, as it creates micro-environmental conditions for the maturation of these cells. thymic products produce numerous hormones (thymosin, thymopoietin, thymic hormonal factor-THF, serum thymic factor) that interact directly or indirectly with receptors present on T lymphocytes initiated when ripe. Blood phase and peripheral development. The successive stages of development are accomplished in peripheral lymphoid arganis in response to antigenic stimuli of various types. T lymphocytes through the bloodstream colonize specific areas in the lymph nodes, spleen, etc. (so-called "T-dependent" areas, well separated from those B). After contact with antigens T lymphocytes acquire some surface markers (called activation cells) such as ZD25 (IL2 receptor), CD26, CD38, HLA-DR, JD30 (activated lymphocytes).
The CD4 + lymphocytes (helper T lymphocytes) of the peripheral blood exist in two main subpopulations, distinguished among them by the expression of some immunological markers: T helper / inducer CD4 +, CD29 +, CD45RO +), T suppressor / inducer (CD4 +, CD45RA +) .
The CD4 + / CD45RA-lymphocytes also identify T memory cells, that is, the lymphoid subpoloid that has already encountered the antigen and will therefore respond more quickly and specifically to a second or more antigenic contact.
The CD4 + / CD45RA + lymphocytes identify so-called "naive" lymphocytes (virgin T lymphocytes that have not yet been in contact with antigens). This lymphocyte subpopulation T represents 90% lei T lymphocytes of the umbilical cord, and then gradually decreases in the child and settles in the adult around 30-35%. Another marker that can be used to identify "naive" lymphocytes of both type B and T, is represented by L-selectin (adhesion molecule), which is expressed only in unstimulated (virgin) lymphocytes.
CD8 + lymphocytes may carry out a suppressive activity (CD8 + / CD11b +) or cytotoxic (restricted MHC: CD8 + / CD11b-).
There is also a subclass of CD3 + lymphocytes which co-enacts CD57 (associated NK marker) which is characterized by the non-MHC restricted cytotoxic activity, completely overlapping that of NK (natural killer) lymphocytes, which characterize the third lymphocyte class ( non B not T) and that have a specific functional activity to exercise a cytolytic activity not related to an antigen recognition of the HLA system. NK cells have a CD3-, CD2 +, CD16 +, CD56 +, CD57 + / - phenotype. These elements represent 20% of the peripheral blood lymphocytes of the newborn and are progressively reduced with age.

The 95% of the peripheral blood CD3 + T lymphocytes express the TCR alpha-beta dimer, while only 4% of the CD3 + T lymphocytes have a positive effect on the TCR gamma-delta dimer.
Recently a new molecular biology technique has been developed, called TREC ("TCR-rearrangement excision circles"), which allows to identify all the thymocytes of thymic derivation, called "recent timid emigrants". The method is based on the fact that T lymphocytes rearrange the TCR genes with the aim of producing the proteins that form the TCR receptor complex, which must have a great variability to allow the recognition of all the antigenic molecules with which the lymphocytes can get in touch. The rearrangement involves the preventive elimination or excision of DNA fragments from the genomic DNA that take on a circular shape. These fragments, called TREC ("TCR-rearrangement excision circles") are stable, are not duplicated during mitosis, and distinguish the T lymphocyte that matures within the thymus. They are able to offer an estimate of peripheral lymphocytes of thymic derivation. This method offers enormous opportunities in pathology and in the ongoing therapeutic monitoring of peripheral stem cells, allowing an accurate evaluation of the T cell lymphocyte damage and recovery of the thymic function after transplantation.
In the 1990s, at least two new subclasses of T helper lymphocytes have been identified, which play a key role in immune processes, directing them in the mediated cell response in one case or in the humoral one in the second case.
TH1 cells mediate the cell-mediated, phagocyte-dependent response; they can be identified for their ability to produce IL2, IFN-y, TNF-B, opsonizing or complement-fixing antibodies. These cells stimulate the proliferation of T lymphocytes; after antigenic contact activate macrophages, cell cytotoxicity, antibody dependent and induce resistance to infections. Activated TH1 lymphocytes express LAG-3 (lymphocyte activation gene-3) belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily. TH1 also express 2 chemokine receptors: CXCR-3 and CCR-5.
TH2 lymphocytes mediate the phagocyte-independent humoral type response; they are characterized by their ability to produce IL4, IL10, IL5, IL6 and IL13. These cells have an inhibitory function against macrophages, stimulate the synthesis of IgG1, IgG4, IgE, activate plasma cells and eosinophils and are implicated in susceptibility to infections. Contrary to TH1 cells, activated TH2 lymphocytes express the CD30 molecule, which is part of the TNF receptor superfamily> as well as some chemokine receptors: CXCR4, CCR-3, CCR-4, CCR-7, and CCR-8 .
Both the TH1 and TH2 lymphocytes exist in two main subpopulations of CD4 + lymphocytes: CD4 + a / b + eCD4 + y / d +
A third subpopulation of lymphocytes is called THO: it has intermediate characteristics between TH1 and TH2.
There is another lymphocyte subpopulation, called THp, which identifies naive helper T cells: these have not yet encountered the antigen and are identified by the term p (precursors) in relation to their relative immaturity with respect to the helper T lymphocytes and suppressors mature. After contact with the antigen and following interactions with other immune system definers, these cells undergo a differentiation process that culminates in their transformation into TH1, TH2 or THO type lymphocytes. In this maturation phase, the so-called co-stimulatory molecules play a fundamental role, which are secreted during the interaction processes between the antigen-presenting cells (APC) and the THp-naive cells. During this phase, molecules of the class II HLA system are presented by the APC cells on the surface of the THp lymphocytes, and in particular at the TCR complex level. This interaction activates the THp cell which, as a consequence, expresses the receptor for IL2, secretes IL2 and increases the expression of the ligand for CD40. These modifications lead on the one hand to an increase in the T lymphocyte capacity of constitutively binding the CD40 molecule on the surface of the APC elements; they also stimulate APCs to first express the CD86-B7-2 complexes and then the CD80-B7-1 complex. These processes play a key role in the differentiation of the THp cell and in the acquisition of specific functions, due to the following events: 1) increase of IL2 secretion with consequent lymphocytic proliferation 2) production of anti-apoptotic substances such as Bcl-x; 3) secretion of specific cytokines for T-lymphocytic maturation.
The maturation in the TH2 direction is regulated in particular by the B7-CD28 system, that is the CD86 / B7-2 complex, as well as ICOS, a molecule, the latter, recently discovered costimulatory, and a substance belonging to the superfamily TX F ( tumor necrosis factor): OX40. As far as TH1 differentiation is concerned, the 4-1BB molecule and the CD80-B7-1active molecule, the latter, also appear in TH2 maturation.