Diuretics and heart failure (SC)

  1. Gastroepato
  2. Cardiology
  3. Congestive heart failure
  4. Diuretics and heart failure (SC)
  5. Chronic stable angina and treatment
  6. Myocardal infarction
  7. Coronary syndrome
  8. The collapsed patient, shock and various types of shock
  9. Treatment of heart attack today
  10. Myocarditis, chest pain and feveri
  11. Heart failure
  12. Cardiac semeiotics

Update for the practical doctor

The cardiologist's grave: the treatment of heart failure

doctor's notes Claudio Italiano

Initial diuretic therapy: general indications

Clearly the information contained here is a reading: no one can replace your doctor, because caring for the heart is a dangerous and delicate topic.

If the drugs are dosed little or bad, you run the risk of serious complications. A practical tip is to always check your blood pressure and, above all, to measure the electrolytes, sodium and potassium, and to control regularly kidney function.
Diuretics should not be used alone (even if the symptoms of SC are controlled), but should be used in combination with other drugs, such as, if not contraindicated and tolerated, ACE-I, digoxin and beta-blockers (Consensus Recommendations for the Management of Chronic Heart Failure, 1999) and the good and dear anti-aldosterones, e.g. the canrenoato or luvion. If you read this page, it means that your cardiologist does not follow you as it should. In fact, you find your legs swollen, you miss the air, you can not wear the old elegant shoes and when you lie down you need the pillows. The night then is a pain: you get up with trouble to urinate. Let's see how to implement good care. Diuretics, in fact, induce a possible further activation of the angiotensinine renin-aldosterone system (RAA), which can mitigate its effectiveness. For this reason they are not recommended in monotherapy and should be used together with drugs that can counterbalance the negative effects of neuro-hormonal stimulation. In the initial therapy the following general indications can be adopted, with some precautions:

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Imposing declining edemas (note the swollen feet) in elderly patient with heart failure in NYHA class 3-4

• Loop diuretics: for their effects they are the preferred agents in SC therapy; furosemide, torasemide, piretanide and bumetanide are the most frequently used in the treatment of patients with heart failure.
In chronic SC, the initial posology of furosemide is 25-50 mg / day per os, with increased dosage up to an increase in effective diuresis to reduce weight by at least 0.5-1 kg / day. Since the half-life of loop diuretics (except torasemide) is short (1.5-2 hours for furosemide, 1 hour for bumetanide) (short-acting diuretics), often more daily doses are required: if not coexisting renal insufficiency should be administered at least three times a day. The problem is that in the most serious cases, the furosemide dosage is increased: generally the patient takes 1/4 cpr of 500 mg / bid furosemide. In this case the risk of severe hyponatraemia is very easy. The patient appears in a coma, as if he had a stroke, with values of natality of 105 mmol / L. This occurrence is very frequent in the hospital.Torasemide, which has a greater intrinsic diuretic potential (about double-triple), a higher bioavailability (over 80% per os) and a longer half-life than furosemide, seems able, according to randomized studies, to reduce hospitalizations, cardio-vascular events (Noe et al.) and costs (Stroupe et al.) in SC.

The efficacy of torasemide is associated with a safe use, particularly on the metabolic and electrolytic profile (Argenziano et al.). The torase-mide is considered by the ACC / AHA 2001 Practice Guidelines among the "commonly used" drugs in the treatment of chronic cardiac scom-think. Some patients with renal failure respond better to torasemide than furosemide for better absorption (Risler et al, 1994). From a prospective study, there would be a lower risk of worsening of SC in patients treated with torasemide compared to furosemide (Murray et al, 1999), but the question remains controversial (ACC / AHA, 2001). Instead, ethacrynic acid should be reserved for patients who do not tolerate sulphonamide derivatives.

• Thiazide diuretics: they are usually useful as a single diuretic drug in the treatment of water retention only in patients with mild heart failure, since their site of action at the level of the distal nephron allows for the rapid adjustment of the intrarenal absorption of water and solutes at the level of the other more proximal segments of the nephron. Thiazide diuretics are less effective in patients with moderate renal impairment (glomerular filtration rate less than 30 ml / minute) and in these cases thiazides should not be used, except in combination with loop diuretics, with which they present a true synergism, determining a natriuresis greater than the sum of that given by each class of drugs. This property is useful in treating resistance to diuretics. The metolazone is a benzothiazide diuretic (thiazido-like) diuretic burdened by conspicuous side effects (such as a marked depletion of electrolytes and metabolic alkalosis) that should be reserved for cases of refractory decompensation one-two times a week, with senate control of serum electrolytes.

• Potassium-sparing diuretics: they are not effective when used alone in the treatment of heart failure. However, they are useful in limiting the loss of potassium and magnesium in association with loop diuretics. Potassium-sparing diuretics should be administered with caution to patients receiving drugs that antagonize the renin-angiotensin-aldostero-ne system (RAAS) such as ACE inhibitors, which increase potassium plasmαtica concentration. Beta-adrenergic antagonists and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may also induce hyperkalaemia in patients receiving potassium-sparing diuretics. The use of potassium-sparing diuretics (triamterene, amiloride, spironolactone) is useful in combination with thiazides to prevent hypokalemia (oral potassium supplements are usually ineffective). It is advisable to start with low doses in the first week. The association with ACE-I requires close control of potassium.

Posology of diuretics

The dosage of the diuretics most frequently used, together with the duration of action and the main side effects.

Administration in continuous infusion of loop diuretics
In patients hospitalized with refractory edema, an alternative therapeutic strategy for intermittent dosing is represented by continuous intravenous infusion of the total daily dose of loop diuretic (Rudy et al, 1991, Van Meyel et al, 1994). This treatment modality, which determines a constant natriuresis due to the persistence of high diuretic concentrations in the lumen of the renal tubule, avoids the risks of a potential ototoxicity, which may occur due to intermittent blood peaks from repeated boli. When furosemide is used, it is usually started with a 20-40 mg bolus dose followed by a constant intravenous infusion of 1-5 mg / h. The charged dose is aimed at obtaining an effective plasmatic concentration in the shortest possible time. If an adequate response is not obtained, the charged dose should be repeated, with additional bolus administration before each subsequent increase in the rate of diuretic infusion.

Individually administered loop diuretics are generally effective in advanced congestive heart failure and the highest acute natriuretic response is achieved in a short time. However, as in the absence of heart failure, some compensatory mechanisms may limit the diuretic response of the patient to the next dose of diuretic. These variations are the result of alterations of the intrarenal hemodynamics induced by the diuretics themselves [: me result of a tubulo-glomerular feedback and an increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system (adaptation to diuretics). It is defined resistance to diuretics in the patient with congestive-edematous SC the clinical condition in which the diuretic response is reduced or lost before the therapeutic objective (reduction-resolution - edema) is reached.

The most frequent causes of resistance to diuretics are (Kramer et al.)

• functional renal failure (pre-renal) from any cause, but also for the same reduction of cardiac (and consequently renal) flow, in relation to the diminished myocardial contractility;
• hyponatraemia and hypovolaemia by diuretics, which induce activation of the RAA system, with vasoconstriction by angiotensin and reduction of the renal flow;
• sodium retention caused by counter-regulating mechanisms to restore the actual arterial volume;
• resistance to the effects of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (with consequent greater sodium reabsorption in the collecting duct and less inhibition of the RAA system);
• increased adrenergic activity, with increasing circulating catecholamines and vasoconstriction with decreased renal flow;
• altered pharmacokinetics of diuretics, for reduction of intestinal absorption from mesenteric congestion and mucosal edema: even in normal subjects there is a great variability in the absorption of an oral dose of furosemide (normally absorbed at 50%, but with range of individual variations from 10 to 100%); however, this problem does not exist for torasemide and bumetanide, which provide an absorption by weight of 80-100%.


The chronic use of diuretics stimulates the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), with morpho-functional modifications of the nephron and counterproductive neurormonal adaptive responses, such as the increase in plasmase activity and sympathetic stimulation, which increases the afterload , can lead to a worse prognosis of patients (David, 2001).
The risks of the diuretic treatment of SC are schematically linked to the following (Consensus Recommendations for the Mana- gement of Chronic Heart Failure, 1999).
• Hypovolemia and hypotension: in any case, postural changes of blood pressure, smoothing of the jugular veins and rapid and progressive worsening of renal function must be suspected. The presence of an arterial hypotension should be systematically sought during diuretic therapy in heart failure, particularly in the elderly and in patients with SC from diastolic dysfunction (often elderly); in these patients it is therefore necessary to check specifically:
- the existence of orthostatic hypotension;
- the existence of post-prandial hypotension.
- Orthostatic hypotension generally responds to the reduction / suspension, if possible, of diuretic therapy or vasodilators.
The hypovolaemia associated with hypotension <80 mmHg can, at times, require the careful infusion and with close patient haemodynamic monitoring of 500-1000 ml saline solution, with the aim of tracing the PAS up to 100 mmHg in a short time .
• Hyperazotemia and renal insufficiency, secondary to hypovolaemia, can further worsen, together with hypotension, SC; diuretic-induced hyperazotemia is generally moderate and reversible after drug withdrawal, but in some cases intensive diuretic therapy involving weight loss> to 2 kg may, particularly in patients with impaired renal function, result in severe deterioration of renal function with increased mortality (Weinfeld et al.).
• Depletion of electrolytes (potassium and magnesium): it is related to the increased distribution of sodium in the distal tubules and to the exchange of sodium with other cations; this process is enhanced by the activation of the RAA system, a frequent phenomenon in heart failure. Electrolyte depletion is greater in case of loop diuretic association with thiazides. Hypokalemia may be treated with concomitant use of drugs that inhibit the release of aldosterone (ACE-I) or prevent the receptor binding (spironolactone and other antialdosterones) or reduce the loss of potassium in the distal nephron (amiloride) .

- Diuretic therapy patients should undergo a control of blood potassium frequently, in particular:
- at the beginning of the therapy;
- during the titration;
- contextually to any variation of diuretic therapy.
Potassiemia is an inaccurate indicator of total body potassium reserves (patients with normal potassium may have reduced levels of body potassium); in patients at high risk it may also be useful to evaluate urinary excretion in the 24 hours of potassium.
• All patients with a blood pressure <3.5 mEq / 1 should receive potassium sparing diuretics if already treated with ACE-I.
• Although the efficacy of oral potassium supplements has been questioned (European Society of Cardiology, 1997), it is recommended that they be administered in amounts of 20 and 40-100 mEq / day respectively for its prevention or its treatment (Cohn et al.).
• Potassium depletion is frequently accompanied by magnesium depletion, which must be controlled at the same time, especially if high doses of diuretics are used.
• Neurohormonal activation: particularly of the renin-angio-tensin-aldosterone system, with negative consequences on the further progression of heart failure and possible refractoriness to diuretics; this effect seems more pronounced for "short-acting" diuretics (furo-semide) than those with a more prolonged action (Tomiyama).
• Metabolic alkalosis: usually related to hypochloraemia, may also depend on an increased Na + / H + exchange and increased sodium availability in the collecting tubule and increased aldosterone secretion in the distal tubule. More often than moderate, it can sometimes be severe; manifests itself with some diuretics, such as those of the loop or the metolazone.
• Other metabolic effects: hyperglycaemia, resistance and reduced insulin secretion, non-keto-acidotic hyperosmolar states.
• Deficiency of water-soluble vitamins: thiamine and ascorbic acid deficiency can exacerbate the refractory edema in heart failure, making it the most problematic therapeutic management (Constant).

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