The diet in irritable bowel syndrome

  1. Gastroepato
  2. Gastroenterology
  3. The diet in irritable bowel syndrome
  4. Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome
  5. The diet in irritable bowel syndrome
  6. Irritable colon, variety with constipation
  7. Malabsorption syndrome

notes by  dr  Claudio Italiano  


One of the most frequently asked questions addressed to the gastroenterology clinic is the following: "How come I have a swollen belly, which turns and hurts me and I immediately run to the bathroom, especially if I am stressed?". I am probably suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, which at the time was described as irritable bowel syndrome, but it is more correct to define it in the first way because the whole intestine is involved, therefore also the small intestine.  First we point out that there are at least four varieties of irritable bowel syndrome divided, in general, according to the predominant symptoms; the one with the pains of the type "a colic", the variety without pain, with alternate alve, ie between constipation and diarrhea and the variety with diarrhea and / or with constipation predominant. So the first problem to be solved is to recommend a correct feeding, in order to reduce the patient's hassles. Indeed, these must be reassured, because in most cases, we are facing a female patient, generally a very fine patient, subjected to considerable workloads, always anxious, dutiful, a perfectionist, always attentive to the bad figures, which are spent on work, which is always on time, that studies hard but does not make much because of its introversion! This type of woman is the one who, if, for example, must pass an exam, is already ill from the night before, with a swollen stomach feeling, colic-like pain, like "if you had a spinning machine in your tummy (!) "(Also see abdominal pain); this is what one hears the doctor gastroenterologist say, who must also be a good psychologist in these cases. So if the predominant type of symptoms is diarrhea and colic, a good antispastic, to begin with, is the solution followed by the use of bacteria to colonize the colon and, generally, this treatment will start to work; it can be, however, that there is bacterial putrefaction, caused by stagnation of the feces, which is possible in the forms with constipation to which the diarrheal episode or the actual enteritis follows, and then antibiotic therapy will be performed in this condition. The writer has already treated the topic and will refer you to this page on the treatment of diarrheal syndromes.alimenti

Irritable bowel syndrome and diets for it

Yes, we speak more correctly of diets, to indicate a suitable diet according to the cases presented to the gastroenterologist. In the hospital, if we are faced with the colic and constipation variety, the foods used for constipation and a suitable water cure will be indicated. A proper diet provides for foods that do not generate gas or cause contractions, since pain and colic are determined by gaseous distension of the colon. Foods with weak flatulogenic potential in forms with constipation and colic: Second courses with side dishes: fish, provided you are not intolerant to fish proteins, can be indicated, preferring blue fish, cooked without sauce, digested, or steamed , or roasted, with a little oil, even of corn; or the meat, both red and white; if there is constipation the vegetables are indicated, the simplest one, the good and tender lettuce, the cucumbers which are very good and fresh, the broccoletti, if not exaggerated, the peppers if you do not suffer from acidity, never at night (!) ; if all this has been digested without problems, neither colic, nor acidity, then we can indulge and try some good cauliflower, perhaps boiled, or fresh tomatoes, boiled asparagus, boiled zucchini. The aubergines (whoever writes is a ghiotto of the famous "mulincianedde chini", a typical dish of Milazzo, come and taste them!), For example, are contraindicated if you have constipation and colic. The most digestible fruit is melon (the watermelon better not, because it stimulates too much diarrhea due to the excessive load of water and salts to the colon, better than the Italian grape, or rose grapes or black table grapes that is less sweet.
 They go to the first courses: for those lean, not on a diet, pasta with fresh tomatoes, some boiled potatoes, and bread, at first the white one and then try the whole, with the bran, which we know is cellulose and therefore not digestible and retains water. Finally mineral waters, which is why: water is important in the diet of the subject suffering from irritable bowel syndrome with constipation, better if it is the one with magnesium and sulphate, see the Tettuccio, the water of Tamerici, our water Source of Venera, or the classic Uliveto, of Perugia, to drink always away from meals, it is good also 1.5 liters / day; who writes it does sport and is dedicated to gardening and to the garden of his house and drinks a lot, but if the amount of water is excessive, if the water is not chlorinated (for example that taken at the sources and / or premature of mountain) have an eye to the charge of coliforms! It has happened to me to drink from the cane of the garden in summer and that the water had an excessive charge of faecal bacteria, which is possible with heat and the greenhouse effect of these years, when the pipes remain without water and there is stagnation ! Then they were infectious diarrhea and belly pains

In the forms of irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea.

In general you start to try some rice, some tea, some potato puree, combining them with lactic ferments, antispasmodics, sedatives of hyper-hyperistaltism. So if everything went well, if the peristalsis has quieted down, let's try the second course, which must be digestible, for example a slice of steamed or roasted lacerine, tender and digestible. The fruit will be represented by some apple, preferably cooked, initially, then you can try the pears, preferably ripe. Avoid fruits like kiwis, plums, oranges, watermelons, pineapples, which are deadly in irritable bowel syndrome variety with diarrhea! Avoid iced drinks, strong tea, foods rich in fat and therefore difficult to digest; limit the fructose and sorbitol intake with the diet (fruit juices), avoid alcohol, coffee and substances that can aggravate any intolerances (dairy products, soy, gluten excess, etc.). The effectiveness of lactic ferments is by many questioned; for this reason it is recommended to talk about it in advance with your doctor; we generally use lactic ferments in diarrheal syndromes, almost always successfully, except for inflammatory bowel diseases. If you have irritable bowel syndrome, if your tummy swollen gives you colic, you should cautiously consume these foods with strong flatulogenic potential, that is, they ferment in the belly and give off gas:

Milk and milk derivatives.

Vegetables: onions, beans, celery, carrots, Brussels sprouts generate intestinal gas and meteorism

Fruit: raisins, bananas, apricots and plum juice.

To deepen the study of irritable bowel syndrome:

Speciale sindrome del colon irritabile

La terapia del colon irritabile

La visita del paziente con colon irritabile

La cura della sindrome da colon irritabile: i farmaci

La cura con le piante nella sindrome del colon irritabile

dieta con le fibre

La sindrome del colon irritabile varietà con stitichezza

Food always at risk

Sweeteners (sorbitol, fructose, etc.)
Fruit: peaches, pears, plums
Vegetables: cabbage, artichokes, spinach, onion, rocket, cucumber, celery
Fibers and whole foods (in some subjects they improve the situation, in others they make it worse)
Coffee, tea, Coke and caffeinated drinks

Other foods are at indirect risk, such as, for example, all those rich in salt (stock cubes, sausages) because they induce to drink more than they should. For example, I go out for dinner, I eat pizza that is salty, worse with anchovies !! Then draw a draft beer or worse a carbonated drink, the classic coca! If I suffer from colic then, I will have stomach ache for the coca gas, and for the water that in the meantime I will have drunk at night!

The preference then goes to simple, unprocessed dishes, to be enjoyed in perfect tranquility.
Physical activity (at first moderate, then at increasing intensity) can be useful to train the intestine to a certain physiological motility, provided that you suffer from constipation and the same is true for the enemas of lukewarm water, which are a panacea when the stool is a goat's scibale! That is to pellets, hard and dry. But if you suffer from diarrhea and you go running after eating, then they will be pains .... Belly! The limitation of stressors or their better management is then one of the best weapons against colitis.


The patient should avoid consuming or consuming in small quantities the following foods:

Radicchio, fennel, celery, chicory, onion, legumes (peas, beans, chickpeas, etc.) green beans, cauliflower and, in general, all the "hard" vegetables, containing a lot of "stem".
Persimmons, grapes, figs, prickly pears, dried fruit, chestnuts, squash, cherries, corns, watermelon, melon, prunes, fruit in syrup, honey. Introduce a lot of liquids (non-carbonated water: 1.5-2 liters per day) and no more than 1 yogurt a day.
Do not consume more than 80 g of pasta per day and no more than the equivalent of two simple or "French" sandwiches. Avoid very elaborate desserts.


cf indice di gastroenterologia