The low-fat diet in the patient with high cholesterol and triglycerides

  1. Gastroepato

doctor's notes Claudio Italiano

 With great pleasure I respond to the many patients of my website, explaining to them that the future of food is slow-food, that 's the return to food of our ancestors' past, which roamed the countryside of Milazzo and the Reserve of Cape Milazzo. They used to collect bitter soups: borage, dandelion and wild bitter herbs.

Here we will explain the importance of vegetables and fibers in general and the right oils in the diet of dyslipidaemic, especially if patient with diabetes and ischemic heart disease. Although the most energy-rich nutrients (9 kCal (37 kJ) per gram) are present in the form of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, the ideal diet for the patient with dyslipidaemia must necessarily be a diet low in saturated fats and cholesterol but rich in dietary fibers and complex sugars with a low glycemic index

In fact, preference should be given to foods of plant origin, preferring the consumption of complex carbohydrates, such as pasta, brown rice, barley, spelled (cf. cereals), abolishing the condiments of animal origin (see correct nutrition).

It is necessary, in fact, to avoid foods that are rich in saturated fats such as butter, lard, cream and bacon (!) And foods rich in cholesterol (egg yolk and all prepared with eggs, such as pasta and sweets filled with cream and butter-based creams, sausages, offal and cheeses.

To deepen the theme, see:

Il paziente con colesterolo e trigliceridi

Colesterolo e trigliceridi

dieta e fibre

It is clear that the body needs to be fed with polyunsaturated fats, that is to say, it is preferable to use extra-virgin olive oil, to use some special vegetables such as borage which contains gamma-linolenic acid. In particular, polyunsaturated fatty acids are important in childhood, since they constitute the cell membranes of all the tissues and in particular of the nerve cells and the retina. Another problem is that the diet must necessarily contain them because most of them can not be synthesized in the body. In fact, man is not able to produce α-linolenic acid (an unsaturated omega3 acid) and linoleic acid (omega 6) which are therefore called "essential fatty acids" and must be introduced with food. Moreover, although we are able to lengthen the chain of α eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), contained in bluefish and docosahexaenoic acid (long chain DHA), this synthesis may not be sufficient to cover the need therefore recommended to introduce them by taking foods that they are rich, like bluefish. For cholesterol, there is no need for a particular restriction in the diet of children and children who can have an intake of up to 100 mg / 1000 kCal. This value must be reduced after two years of life. After the second year, a progressive reduction of 25% with respect to adolescence is recommended.

La borragine, ricca in acidi grassi polinsaturi

Cape Milazzo Reserve

 Borage, rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, the "ministredda sabbaggia", visible as a whitish juice that emerges from the cut plant.

Practical example of hypocaloric diet and hypocholesterolemia

Primary prevention (intermediate risk)

Example of diet from 1700 - 1900 Kcal / day moderate in saturated fats, low in cholesterol, rich in fibers.

Nutritional Analysis
Protein: 60 g (14%) Lipids: 70 g (35%) Glucides: 240 g (51%) Calories: 1750 Kcal

• A cup of tea sweetened with a teaspoon of honey (10 g)
• 3 wholemeal rusks, about 30g

• pasta with peas and broad beans or rice and lentils or barley soup, spelled and buckwheat with beans
• Oranges and carrots in salads
Blue fish for gr 150 cooked on the grill, seasoned with corn oil and lemon
• A slice of wholemeal bread (50 g)
• A portion of fresh fruit 150g little sweet (eg apples, pears, strawberries, oranges etc.)

• A portion of fresh fruit (150 g)

• A portion of white meat of chicken, turkey, rabbit etc. for 120 g, steamed or baked, seasoned with a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil (5 g)
• A portion of vegetables (all types except potatoes) steamed dressed with a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil
• A slice of 100g wholemeal bread
• A portion of fresh fruit for 150g, as above.

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